#32 - DotWoman, I really like this latest version, the shading on the braid is nice, moving it to 1st place. I wonder if you could try the same design with some different color combos. Specifically I'd like to make the white braid a dark blue (with shading), make the background a little darker, and make the inner frame green and the outer frame dark blue. But I'm also open to your thoughts and suggestions, even different colors, if you have ideas of combinations that would convey my message. Thanks so much, Braid-Tech
#18 - Thanks for your response, I've been showing your designs to people and #18 is also getting good responses, people like it's subtlety. Is is possible to give it the shading the treatment of #32 and also try some of my ideas from the previous comment? I could even see two logos with this one being sort of a "zoom" of the other, for use in specific situations.
I really like the 2-logo idea, especially since they are the same. I love how zooming in on part of a design can give it a whole new feeling, and yet you can tell that it is the same. could be great for packaging & ad campaigns.