MUCH BETTER, i love the icon in #72! Complex and simple at the same are now in the lead...couple suggestions:
1. Play with the colors..I like the teal that is being used show and example of that please 2. Play with "Consulting Group" seems too tight under the logo and try pure black, etc..
I just uploaded a couple of alternatives #82 & #83 using the teal colour and also darkening the 'consulting group' too, also on #83 i thickened the font of 'cg' too :)
The "Consulting Group" seems to wide at the bottom, can you squeeze the font type so its aligned right and starts under the "r", that might have a cool look...also I like the clean look so no needs for line seperators...
Great improments just a couple more suggestions.
1. I like the lighter teal, so stick with that, (#82 and #84 are the same correct?). 2. I really like the shadowing effect on the logo, it seems to create a "floor", so in #82, can you do 2 versions: A). shrink the icon just slightly enough that it is in proporation of the workmark and the shadow creates a visual floor for the words "consulting group"? I how you know what I mean...I dont want the shadow extended at all just that it just lines with with the bottom of the words... B). Inrease the font size of the "CG" words to do the same this as A. (I want to see if the bigger words make a different impression in the wordmark.
I am serious about this and am used to driving creative which is good! I feel very good about quick question...If I chose this as the winner can you supply me with all the jpegs, etc. but also the icon itself by itself? For example, I might want to put just the icon on the back of my business cards, etc..
So you will give me both the full logo and icon only..great! Well if we are in agreement on this and I get highrez and all the fun different versions...I am ready to call this already and delcare you the winner! This was faster than I thought.
If this is agreeable; this is what I would like you to send to me.
1. As described above, both the full logo and icon only in all versions (jpeg, eps, etc..) High rez to small on the jpeg front. 2. Just a quick graphics summary, (font type used, PMS color numbers, etc.)
The shadow to the left of the icon can you get rid of that so I can just see that? Visual I think we should only shadow underneath the icon..what are you thoughts on that?
I like the shadow from the bottom of the icno to the right...i just think if the sun was hitting the icon, for the bottom left there would be no shadow for this is nothing overhanging, but to the right the icon casts a shadow, does this make sense? not to nickel and dime..
You have two shadows, one to the LEFT of the icon, which is very small, then you have the bottom of the icon that symbolized touching the ground, then you have the shadow to the RIGHT of the icon that stretches and fades.
What I would like you to do is move the shadow effect so that it start and goes only RIGHT at where the icon is "touchign the ground" as it were...
I don't know how to better explain this via email...I want everything the same with the icon expect moving the shadow effect to the right of the green only. Think of me shining a light left to right. I would NOT have a little shadow to the left of the icon i would only have it to the right.
The "b" icon has a straight vertical line on the left and the icon angles up to the right. I want the green of the icon to be the edge of the logo, you have a little smidge of shadow to the left that does not make this logo a perfect square..
Thanks for getting it done, it looks loopsided, so I am going with the orgnial one in #1 position which is, entry #113 congrats and great job!! I do appreciate it!!
Sorry we could not quite get the exact shadow you wanted Kevin, but i think that it was on a 3D plane that the shadow would not meet correctly :( I will need your personal email now though, to forward the extra files that you require, i will include PDF versions too :)