I am liking yours the best but was hoping you could make some changes as follows
1. can you please make the font look exactly like Entry #5 including the colour of the letters (i.e. the e in orange)
2. can you play around with the chefs hat... I think its might be a little to tall for the logo and it looks a little bit like a cap
3. one thing I would like to do is be able to move the "bradley's liver krisps" and have the picture stand alone if I need too in the future... for most part I will use it with the words infront as you have it but there might be a time here I need to use just the picture without the wording... can you please have a go of completing bradleys body as you see fit i.e. have no wording infront.
Hello and thank you for this great feedback. There is just one thing I can not do and that is to copy something another designer already did (It's forbidden according to Logo Tournament rules and designers ethic). However i did use letter "V" as a substitute, and since it is a middle letter it has a good logic and visual balance. Regarding Bradlye's position, hat or any other detail I can do any combination you may require (just posted few, but I can submit more per your request). Let me know if you may need anything else. Thank you for understanding and sorry for not being able to fulfill your request. Best regards, Bob.
thanks for the update and your points :) its looking good... just one thing in regards to #11
I'm not liking the posture of Bradley. I think he needs to bit skinnier and more upright as the current picture makes him look a little plump (fat). can you check out "Bring Bradley" #24 and you will get an idea of what I am looking for :)
in regards to #13... would it look good if we put his tail in it somehow?
Hello, here is Bradley a bit skinnier (he was fat indeed :)) He can loose some more weight if necessary. I added the tail like you asked for. Please let me know if you want to see any other option. Best regards, Bob.
with #17... can you please try putting the words "Bradley's Liver Krisps" on the side of the logo as entry #5. i.e. Bradley on top, and Liver Krisps below.
Hello, I'm glad you like it :) Here are two more options with different proportions and different hat for you to compare. Let me know which one you prefer. Thanks, kind regards, Bob.
I like #19 but can you please remvoe the brown spots from his front legs (so he matches all my other logos wihch dont have the brown spot). Once you have removed the brown spots from his legs, can you please prepare the following versions for me:
1) #19 as is 2) #19 with a shadow (please refer to Walk Bradley #20 entry) 3) #19 with just bradley and no "bradley liver krisp" text 4) #19 just the"bradley liver krisps" text, with no bradley 5) #13 as is (I assume thats the same "bradley" picture as #19
I will award the win to you once the time is up and then you can send them straight to me... saves you from having to post them all up and wasting your time.
Hello, great news. Since i wasn't sure do you want me to remove spots just from the legs, or the shoulders too, I have uploaded two versions, so you can point which one would you prefer. After that I van start preparing your final files. Thanks, kind regards, Bob.
#31 is great. Can you make one small change to his tail. The brown part needs to be black to match the original Bradley's Bowl logo. Besides that... all good :)