I like this design. very simple. can you flip-reverse the buildings in the "o". just want to see how that looks. also can you do a logo with just BPR and the "o cityscape" to the right, left, top, bottom of the letters. just wondering how that would look. i would pair that with the other logo maybe for different pages of my site. thanks
hi just tossing ideas around. #93 and #94 can you shrink the cityscape to be the same height as the lettering and in one line write "BOSTON PRIME REALTY " below the letters and image in a size that does not extend further out (left and right) than the image or letters above.
hi. i am leaning towards your desings. can you try putting a ring around the cityscape in entry 100 and 101 (leave those make dupicates so i can compare). other entry # 98 and 132 are examples (don't use black). i'll pick today. if i choose your design would you mind sending me the files for all of your entrys. they scale differenlty for my uses.