Hi Joshua,
OK, maybe a bit "old school" here LOL I understand the new change in direction, but feel the when I try to go abstract it is getting so far from the original brief. I'm finding hard to not incorporate a bit of "adventure", "freedom to move", "off-roading"... something related to the product and lifestyle.
My idea in these latest entries plays off the Armoured Rhino. Actually based on the Indian Rhino and/or "Dürer's Rhinoceros". I also did a few version using a White Rhino, which, to me, has a more rugged and robust appearance. I felt the Rhino was a good representation of the product, tough, strong and rugged. On some I still included the compass rose, since I think that is still a good choice. Even JEEP names a model The Compass. What I did also do, but did not submit was to incorporate the compass on the rhino itself. It ended up looking like crosshairs, seconds before being shot. LOL Not the kind of thing that promoted your product. Anyway your thought and feedback would be appreciated. I kept the typeface the same, but that can alway change if you prefer.