I quite like 48 - could we consider making the tooth outline in a paint stroke, so it looks less intentional? also try royal blue perhaps? That is really the limit of how dental i would like the logo
entry 71 is interesting - i was hoping it would look like an artists paintstroke - it didnt wind up looking fluid and casual though like i was hoping. Would love to see this workshopped further but am not sure how to get it closer to my goals
I have showed a few people and i am caught between entry 128 and 129. I prefer the layout of 129, however i want a tradition, elegant design, which the font in 128 reflects. I just feel that that artwork 129 works better (sans serrif font), but 128 reflects who i am trying to target better.
We only have a few more hours, if you want to do any more mediations it is greatly appreciated. I love 129, but i want a classier font, and 128 reflects what i want, but is not as cohesive as a piece.