Ciao! Preferisco il #17. I like the style of the woman, though I generally prefer a woman with her arms up in the air - it's more joyful somehow.
I like her flowing hair behind her, and the three curved lines behind her, but I wonder if those lines could be in a different colour, as a contrast? Maybe mauve or a different blue?
And I'm not sure about the font - the whole thing ends up a bit over-the-top swirley with that font.
Thanks. I don't like the hair in #21, makes it a bit too girlie (I willl have some male clients too!).
#20 is better, I think the swirls behind her head in #20 would look better in the dark purple colour. I also think it might look better if the word BODY was in blue and the word MASTERY was in purple in a box. I need to emphasise the word 'mastery".
Hi, I really like the improvements you've made. #25 is looking much better!!
I really like what you've done with the text. It looks great!
I REALLY like all the fine detail in the drawing you've done around the woman's body. The only bit I don't like is the halo just above her head. It's fuzzy and kind of looks like a thumb print.... Can you maybe remove it, or replace it with more of the fine sharp details you've done around the rest of her body?
Also, see in my general comments I've suggested a new idea, using both a male and a female body in the logo. So the program will appeal to both men and women. But I don't want them to look like a dancing couple... Give it a go, if you can!
ps re #25, I would LOVE to see a version where the woman is throwing her arms up with joy as she leaps. I just love arms up in the air... It evokes happiness and elation. Grazie mille.
Ciao, i will try to add male female together, but it will overdo your logo if u have too many elements but still, its upto you. i will give as much options as i can keeping my style intact..
Wow, I LOVE #36. It's beautiful! The only reason I didn't rank it first is that I think it looks a bit depressing with the face looking down. Can you do a version of this where her face looks up? That would be so much more joyful, like your earlier ones were. But I really love the arms and the legs. And the swirly detail behind her is gorgeous.
The same applies to #35. I'd love to see her looking up. And I note you've made her much thinner than the others. I prefer the fuller figure in the others. But I do like this shape with the long leg.
Re your earlier drawings, like #25, I did like that vertical body position, as it really balances out the text. Is it possible to draw her with her arms up?
You can tell, I like arms up and face up. It's just much more cheerful. :-)
ps - I'm curious to see what you come up with for the male and female figures. You may be right, it may be too much. But it's worth a try, to please the men...
ciao, iv made the heads all look up.. cleaned couple more things. hope it makes a better impact.. i have been trying male figures but i cannot balance them since female figure has decoratives behind and u cant put them for male.. so ill keep trying will post if something strikes..
Hi there, thanks for these. I definitely like #45 the BEST, by far, of your drawings of the single figure. Her head is looking up and she's very uplifting!
My only suggested change would be to have ALL the decorative bits around her in purple, so that her blue body shape is very clear and sleek. You don't need to change what you've drawn at all, just make all the bits outside her body purple. You did that effect in one of your earlier drawings, #25, and I liked that use of colour better.
Other than that, I really like this one.
BUT I showed them to a male colleague and he said having the "S" in Mastery like that meant he couldn't read the word properly... I really like the way you've done the S, but if people are having trouble reading the word, then that's not ideal. Could you try a separate version doing something more readable with the word "Mastery" that's still striking?
Heya, i made couple changes.. thnx for feedback. I tried to make subtle change in entry #51 and added icons of male n female.. jus to see. entry #49, entry #50 and entry #52 are different. form letter for S. since its the center letter i think playin with it bring out the word and name.
Also i changed the background to all purple so her body is more visible
I don't think the male/female symbol works in #51 coz you can't really see it, and most people won't know what it means anyway.
The woman looks GREAT with the background to her all in purple.
I don't really like any of the fonts you used with the "S" as they all seem kinda mis-matched with the rest of the logo... Any other ideas?
eg Is there any way you can do one like your original blue/purple "S" in #25, but with the "S" more defined, so it looks a bit more like a letter rather than a curvy line. Maybe a slightly fuller curvier shape?
Hey I like the variations, but none of them is quite it yet. I definitely prefer the capitals to the lower case. Because the image is so gorgeous and feminine, the text needs to be strong and masculine so that the whole logo is not too girlie.
I do like how you did the word "BODY" in #56.
I have four requests (just minor font changes):
(1) Can you try #56 exactly the same, but change the text for "Mastery" to how you have it in #53? ie in capitals, with the new "S".
(2) Can I see another version exactly as in (1), but with a normal "S", so the word "MASTERY' is just in normal capitalisation.
(3) Can you do #53 exactly as it is, but make the word BODY aqua again?
(4) Can I see another version exactly as in (3) but with a normal "S", so the word "MASTERY" IS just in normal capitalisation.
If you feel like it, it might also be helpful to see #54 with the word 'MASTERY" capitalised.
I still prefer #49, but I have some small suggestions to improve it:
(1) I don't like the break in the letter "S" between the blue and the purple. Can you do it in exactly the same font but without the break, so the colours fade into each other?
(2) Also, I've showed #49 to some people, and they say the word "body" is hard to read. I do like it in the aqua, but is there a way to make it more readable? Maybe make the letters wider or rounder or more spaced out, and a bit taller? Or maybe do a fine outline around the letters?
(3) Please try this one with the logo "Move from pain to freedom." (Am testing out different taglines...)
NB: The word "Body" is much easier to read in #59, but unfortunately that font just makes the whole logo too busy. Too many elements. I think with your beautiful ornate woman it's good to keep the text fonts simple.
Hey thanks for playing around with the fonts and stuff. Lots of good ideas we can explore there. I think the plainer the font the better, with such an ornate woman.
But a bigger issue has come up. I showed all the designs to some of my clients today, and they all said the same thing. They said your design is very beautiful, but it is very sensual and almost erotic, rather than evoking the sense of movement and joy that the entries by Dezyner have. I was suprised to hear this, but I have to listen to it.
I think the reason is because your woman is standing in that arched position. I'd LOVE it if you could turn her into a leaping woman in a similar pose to the leaping woman on my current website: (the woman on the left.) This is the image that Dezyner based her figure on...
If you could do your aqua woman in that kind of position, or something similar but still with your beautiful purple ornamentation around her, I think we'd have a real competition on our hands! Imagine someone jumping up into the air shouting "WOOHOO!" That's the kind of image I need.
I look fwd to seeing what you come up with.
ps - I've seen some of your designs for the other comps on at the momen. They're great too! I really like your Yosemide one.
But because she's so elaborate, it's too much with the complicated fonts.
Can you do the exact same jumping woman with the exact same purple decorations around her, but with the very simple font and very simple tag line you did in #60?
Thnx for feedback.. i added some changes also i removd sum elaborations from the last one.. since i think its adding more female quotient in the designs... worth a try.. perhaps it might intrest u..
p.s thnx for comments regardin other design... jus a newbie here tryin to make a name.. appreciate ur words
Thanks for your last two designs, #79 and #80. The fonts are perfect on all the words. I like both different styles you've given me of the purple elaborations.
The reason I've put all of Dezyner's latest ones ahead of yours is that there's something not quite right about your jumping woman yet. Something about her body position is a little weird... It looks to me like she has her back to us and she is leaping into the computer screen. Is that what she's doing? Or maybe her legs are leaping to the left and her torso is leaping into the screen?
Can you draw her so she's either (a) fully leaping towards us or (b) fully leaping to the left? Hope that's possible...
But keep the text exactly as it is, coz that's great. And the elaborations are great.
And I'd like to see this one with the tagline "Move from pain to freedom'.' (Am still testing out tag lines.)