Wow! Great effort. I really like the aggressive posture of the wording. I also like the aggressive/realistic look of the rider in all the entries.
I don't care Jamaican flag at the bottom (#'s 9, 11, and 12). I much prefer the flag on the pole in #10 a lot. My concern with #10 is that the size and positioning of the rider make it difficult to see the X. As opposed to #9 where the rider is a bit smaller and fits right into the crux of the M.
I'm trying to figure out which color combo I like best. Although I like the look, not sure the fading colors within BMX on #9,11 and 12 will transfer well to t-shirts, etc.
Recommendation: Try combining #9 and 10. Use flag and flat color scheme of 9 with rider placement from 10. Maybe try Jamaica in white as well. Lastly, might be interesting to see it without quite as much tilt/angle/wing effect.
I'm glad to hear that you liked my approach. I'm trying to do my best in this contest because I always loved BMX and Freestyle competitions, in fact, I just to practice them when I was very young.
Let me revise the logo and I will upload it as soon as I finish it.
Cool! We just built the first BMX track in the Caribbean here in Oracabessa, Jamaica. Kids are super stoked, but unfortunately hardly anyone has a bicycle. Specialized is going to donate some and we hope they get here soon. I really think BMX will take off here as Jamaicans love bicycles and everyone knows how we can sprint...
The thing with the logo is that hardly anyone knows what BMX is so I have this desire to use a logo that somehow sort of depicts what it is (show the bicycle, etc) although that probably curtails some of the potential designs. Feel free to chuck whatever you think is cool at me.
This is awesome!!! I can't wait to see the progress in your wonderful project and yes... everyone knows how you can sprint!!!!!!!. Oh boy I need to be part of this at least graphically speaking!!! LOL
Here you will find #22 #23 #24 #25 with flat colours, the glow effect (very subtle indeed) on BMX was achieved with 3 flat colours. What about some dirt through the halftone used in the background? I think it helps to give it more volume.
Love, love, love the shields!!! #27 is my new favorite out of all the designs. Although I like how the 'speckled' border of #28, I'm concerned how it will come across when stitched onto shirts, etc. My suggestion for you (for what its worth) is to play around with 26 and 27 and come up with some variations on that. Totally sick.
Great..., I wouldn't be worried about the embroidery because that area is depicting some reflections and when the time comes, the embroidery will give its own effect to it. The good thing is that we are using flat clolors instead of gradientes.
Let me see what I get from combining 26 & 27 as you suggested.
I meant to write "combine #27 and #28". Not #26. Its gets hard when there are a lot of comments and I have to keep scrolling up and down between the comments and the view of the designs... My poor addled brain.
I do like the rider(s) at the top, leaving the flag unobstructed. However, I think the BMX should go back to the font in #27, 28 (or something similar). I understand where you're coming from with the aggressiveness of the "winged" style, but the more I look at it, the less I think it will translate down here. We're just not that 'extreme' kind of culture. Which is ironic given we're starting a BMX track, but hopefully you understand what I mean.
Sweet. I really like the new efforts (#39, #40, #41). Trying to decide whether I like the 3 riders in #39 or the flags in #40. Leaning towards the 3 riders.
I think the black texture in the BMX in #40 would look good on the BMX in #39. Not sure if the starburst would work though.