Blue Ridge Therapeutic WildernessLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness
Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 237 designs
from 28 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
While at Blue Ridge, our clients rediscover the pathways to their strengths and resilience through primitive living in nature while supported by experienced field instructors, skilled licensed therapists, and a healthy peer culture and community.
Color Preferences
this is the palette
You can google each number and it will pop up.
Blues and greens
You can google each number and it will pop up.
Blues and greens
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Inspiration photo images:
Current website - Why Blue Ridge page (good photo for inspiration)
We want:
Clean, simple, contemporary
Includes full company name
Blue Ridge Mountains
Lush tree (not a pine) with roots exposed (roots represent “getting to the root of the matter”)
Consider simple outline of mountains using recommended blues and greens on white background with “Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness” in center bottom. Make the I in “Ridge” a lush tree with short roots extending down below the rest of the wording.
Current website - Why Blue Ridge page (good photo for inspiration)
We want:
Clean, simple, contemporary
Includes full company name
Blue Ridge Mountains
Lush tree (not a pine) with roots exposed (roots represent “getting to the root of the matter”)
Consider simple outline of mountains using recommended blues and greens on white background with “Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness” in center bottom. Make the I in “Ridge” a lush tree with short roots extending down below the rest of the wording.