Blue Pages Pro Logo & IconLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Blue Pages Pro Logo & Icon
Blue Pages Pro Logo & Icon has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 178 designs
from 32 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Helping you, Help your home.
What We Do
BluePagesPro is a directory to help connect contractors with people searching for their services. The target audience are both contractor businesses so they want to use BluePagesPro to promote their service, but also to the leads who will be using BluePagesPro to find a contractor for their job.
Color Preferences
Blue, White, Black
look at existing website:
look at existing website:
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Attached are old / existing logos. The award badge is separate from this logo project, but I wanted to include it. This badge is what we use to place on contractors main website when they are a BluePagesPro member. This badge will be updated with the new logo once it's approved.