I like the play on the diamond and the striping. I think the diamond has to be more of a focal point of the logo. I also like the idea of incorporating the initials.
Any ideas on making it communicate a more work ethic feel? Perhaps background?
I just submitted some new revised entries, and thought by you marking mine as " not intrested " that you are no longer intrested in those, but its not that i took a decision to no longer compete, thats not me at all, i'd always do my best and give my best shot, and i got no problem with changing directions 100% if its required to do that, but i never got that impression from you after seeing it going to " not intrested ", thats all.
I will re-submit the new ones, but if you are not liking this whole new concept, let me know why or guide me to what you are more looking for so i can nail it for you.
Glad to see you back. I am guessing that there may also be some advantage to a designer by not leaving previous designs.
I do like the direction and am open to creative ideas. I would point you to our web site: www.bluecollarsales.com so you can see what we do. We are sales agents for software technology companies.
My desire is to be eye catching and memorable. I think that the initials will grow to a call sign. Our slogan is meaningful as well.
I like the direction but think I liked one of your previous submissions a little more. For this direction I suggest making the diamond a more central part of the logo, emphasize sales as opposed to Blue Collar and consider how we might strongly communicate the work ethic.
Perhaps a steel I beam as a faded or oblique background?
I reviewed your portfolio and commend your creativity - I am open to exploring other ideas of yours as well.
Thank you for resubmitting, I look forward to seeing your work.
I think the BCS in these three cases is a little overpowering; we have lost the technological feel as well. Of the three I will rank # 52 and discard #'s 55 (do not like the person peeping out and # 53 due to width.
I see you have withdrawn the diamond approach and encourage you to ponder a combination approach.
# 56, 57: I like the diamond and the human abstract inside. I am not sure on the font for the initials and the name and slogan get lost in this aspect ratio.
In others I thought the various shadings in silver/gray have been catchy and help with the technology feel.
I like the direction and encourage you along this line. Perhaps there is a way to incorporate the symbol in the initials? Nice effort and quick too.
#62 Not so much - Still like the human abstract as the person holding up achievement but the initials seem added as an afterthought. # 61 View of # 62 with the name and logo spelled out improves this submission but overall has very little technology or work ethic feel; width could also become a problem. # 59, 60 - Do not care for BCS Font or symbol placement Sorry - discarding all of these.
#70 , in that concept, i am highlighting on the person holding the achievement diamond and having a blue arrow pointing upwards to reffer to sales going up, and the white streaks are rays of light coming out from the small achievement diamond, and ofcourse the human icon figure is for the workers at your company, looking up and reaching for the highest achievement they could possibly.