If you would like me to make any alternations to these designs to perfectly suit what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to see that the changes are made for you.
I do like the designs, though I don't love them. Colorwise, I like the red best (#103), but I like the gradient effect in #102, and I like the subtle differentiation between the name and the meters in #104. Of course, red is the color of the meter when the sound is recorded too loudly, so maybe we should rethink that. (Green is good, and yellow is when it is approaching red.)
I don't think we can have "music design" and "music solutions for moving pictures" on the same line, because it makes it almost look like two different services we provide.
As for #101, it looks great on black, and some added color would be nice. But in the end, the version on white is going to have to look good, too, because the mark will most often appear on paper documents.