#76 is my fav so far. More ideas would be great. I love how you added lashes and makeup. more ideas would be great. im not sure about the shadow dots...
I like Ark's #52 and #53. I can see that being cute and simple and clean. I can see it on packaging and on a store window. But I want a little girlie element added so when customers see it they know we are a spa that does lashes and makeup.
Hi, thanks for your feedback, i will provide new designs in the next hours.
I cannot make the border as FuadKingsha as it would be a copy of his concept and it's not allowed on LogoTournament. (that's also why i didn't use the lashes on the "oo").
#107 is still my favorite. I like the mascara want but think I like without it better...I still feel like its missing something. Can you try it with a few different fonts just to make sure? You do such an amazing job!!!! I feel like you really get my style.
On #107 can you also try the last lash come out a bit more? I'm not sure I love the font completely so a few different fonts would be great. I can't wait to put it on my store window! Thank you for all your help!
Hi! As you asked me i entered some different fonts for you to check, as the deadine is near i don't have a lot of time to provide more. If you wish to have some more designs from me you should rank one of my designs on the top 5 so taht i can still enter some more designs.