Thank you for participating. Love your work. Can you try 111 with the middle part of logo in orange to represent a flame? I like 114, but would also like a tie back to fire
This one has a darker orange in it. Some of these are very subtle differences, and I just wanted to say please don't hesitate to mark as not interested to clean up.
I like 129, but it does not give the same effect as the blue has in contrast in 114. the others seem to wash out except for 126, but I am not a fan of the orange and blue together. Can you change the ball in teh flame to be a different color from the flame?
Thanks for the feedback. You're right about the orange not having that sharp contrast like the blue in #114. I'll keep thinking about that one.
These are some with the ball in the flame a different color than the flame. I kept the other spheres blue in some and changed the colors in a few so you could see what that looks like.
WoW, Thanks Tim. I appreciate all of your hard work. 135 i like the balls in Silver/white as they are not such a focal point. couls we do something with the middle ball. Something to show more motion as it falls? I like 145 best of the blues. I like the fire better in 147, but the ball in 148, but would still like to see it more like the wind that comes around the space shuttle as it re enters the atmosphere. Does that make sense or am I rambling?
As requested, here is #147 with the effect from #187. There are actually 3 of them; the variations are in how the flam wraps around the bottom of the circle.
I thought I'd show you a couple different variations on #190 such as a flame with more orange, a different shape to the "space shuttle nose" flame and a few different font styles.