Entry #5 Simple, elegant. It catches the eye. I really like it. I am having trouble ranking it 1 or 2 based on complexity over simplicity rather than quality or appeal. See my comments for entry #8. Excellent work. Thanks.
Can you make the following edit to consider for resubmission, please. Perhaps, if the square is turned into a globe, or circle, it will have a similar effect on including the international.
Entry #6 This is an example of good listening on your part regarding the columns. I like the the triangle shaped roof, but feel there are too many columns, too close together and wonder if you could focus in on two columns and the triangle shape above, either as a complete unit, as might be found on interior molding (I found a photo, but it scanned too large to attach) or as a cose up of a partial side of the building following your example in Entry #5.
Entry #7 I am not as enthused about the background on this one as it will be difficult to creat letter head with. Thanks for the option though.
hi.... thanks for your comments and feedback :) I'll try to improve the logos and send new variations comments: the entry #5 uses like a crayon line (not a straight one) I'll change the #6 to less columns the #7 was just to show you the logo with a dark background :)
My goodness you have worked so hard on this. I really appreciate it. Of all the designs you have submitted, one has jumped to the top. It is submission #24 with the global map behind the column. Great thinking! I would like to ask for a few variations on that theme. First, can you add another downward line on the column like you have in #18 and #19 to see how it looks? Maybe that second line doesn't have to go all the way up to the top of the column, but only part way up? I would like to see options.
Also, can you darken the blue ocean slightly like you did in submission #23 (and, maybe, slightly, maybe, lighten the continents)? I also must say that the original version with the blue background still is attractive! The large version in #17 made that very clear. If you can provide other large version samples of the other options I mentioned, that would be appreciated as well as those are easier to view. Thanks again!
hi.. thanks a lot for your comments and your ranking :) now I'll send some variations with your suggestions and other changes... I hope you like it.... not problem about to send the details to see better... as LT reduces a lot the images sometimes are fuzzy and difficult to see (in the reality even the small sizes of the jpeg are better than the ones that you see)
just one suggestion for you... to not create a mess maybe is good for you left the versions that you like the most and mark as "not interested" the other versions.... I'm not going to delete them but maybe then will be easy for you to follow the timeline/rank of the entries....
Sorry about not getting back in touch. I have been moving the office to the new location and have had computer issues as a result. I really appreciate your hard work in responding on all the variations. You are the front runner, but I want to ask for more feedback from friends and colleagues, as there are conflicting reviews....
I also want to ask you for three more options to edit submissions #36 and #35. The sun is setting in the west in both. Can you give me the same option with the sun rising in the east? Also, I am curious to see what the second line that I asked you to add in would look like if it didn't go up as high. Perhaps it could go just a little lower in one option and in another option only as high on the design as the original line as if it were a parallel indentation?
Thanks for all of your hard work!
P.S. Congratulations on Spain in the world cup. My wife is from Spain and we are following it here. She just returned from Spain a few days ago.
hi... thanks again for your comments... :) don't be worried about the time.. I know what means a moving and how many time do it needs (all :D) ... I hope your wife had nice days here... nowadays too much hot... but is usual :/
about the designs I sent some variations with the "sun from the east" and with the second var of the column lower.... also a squared version with the second column even lower... please don't mind to ask about any other change... really is a pleasure to do
Please urgently edit the design in #63 so the design has no shadow below it and is situated on the left side of the name. This is the column I like most, with the second vertical line at the same level of heighth as the first. Really great. I will extend the contest to give you time and also to get the feedback from clients, friends and colleagues on the top three of which this one will be listed first. Gracias!
hi... thanks again for the feedback... I undestand if you can extend the contest... but just for your information, even if the contest is in judging mode you can ask to the designer ranked first to send new variations.. and switch the designer ranked first anytime... usually that is better to work just with the designs that you like the most and fine tune them