My entry #55 is currently ranked 6th so am unable to submit further concept which I really feel are strong contenders for the winning design. If you could even temporarily move me into the top 5 I could quickly submit my new concepts as to get your opinion. Am at my computer most of today. Hope to hear from you soon.
looking forward to seeing your designs. The only major thing I dislike is the cards sticking out too far from the main portion on the logo.
So on a business card it would take up that much more room to fit as well on other materials. Also I think a brighter Red would work better than the current darker red you have used.
got a complaint from a designer that they were too alike to his design. on second reflection in some ways they had similar features so decided to not cause an argument and withdraw entries. sorry for any trouble this has caused you and wish you luck in choosing the winner. thanks for the help,