Entry#11 - I like this but a little old fashioned.. maybe change the colours? two colours would be great with a white background... grey and plum?
Entry#13 I like the fact that you can see the little girl's features.. again, please play with the colours.. white background please.
Entry#14 I really like this - i think it has great potential - same comments about the colours... can we remove the girls' arms and just have her head and shoulders?
Entry#17 - my favourite at the moment.. my number one ranked. Do you have another sillohuette picture? maybe with plaits or buns or one bun? but with two colours as the current one. and can we try a lighter grey? Great logo.. thank you
So, I have asked for some feedback from my friends and family and so far 3 of them have not ranked your designs as they feel they look like they represent a hair product or shop.
Personally I love the logo's but can you look at the picture?? Can you develop a silhouet of a young girl with two afro puffs holding a doll?
Would like you to keep the colour scheme but make the picture more akin to children?
89,90 and 91 are lovely but there is a typo in the word building.. please repost them. also please revert the tag line text to title case and not capitals.. thank you...
I think I am going to pick #96, it is great. There is alot of debate about whether pink or purple is better amongst my friends - will you be able to to mail me both the pink and the purple when I select the winner... it would be good to see which colour scheme works for websites etc.... so that would be #96 as is and also with pink.
Also will you be able to mail me different cuts of the logo
ie. Full logo as in #96 (1 purple, 1 pink) Logo with no lag line (1 purple, 1 pink) Just the pic no wording (1 purple, 1 pink) Just the curved line which joins the wording and the pic (1 purple, 1 pink) Just the tag line
That would be 9 versions. This is to give me maximum flexibility on how I use the logo.
I hope to select a winner by the end of the weekend at the very latest.
Thank you Aggie! As soon as you select #96 I will upload the final file on LT and you will have to approve it. Once you approve it, I will send you all the additional variations via email. Thanks.