Hi, as promised please find some different entries with modification as requested, the difference between are the 3 entries are the angle of the earth. If you have any changes or suggestions please feel free to contact me.
please email me @ mwaters5@gmail.com so we can get the final files. We selected the wrong winner. #68 Should have been 1 and the #120 should have been #4
Good Sir, Would it be possible to get the images for the image #120 ? I know you gave me the images for the one that was 3rd place but as it turns out my boss was confused and the one selected for #1 was the files we wanted. Please email me the files for #120.
The entry #120 is actually what everyone at the office wanted. They changed their mind again. Could you please send the source files to me on that logo as well? I can send you additional money if you like? I just need to get them.