BIO DIMAXLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / BIO DIMAX
Prize Package
2 days, 9 hours
is when the Finalists phase ends.
Contest Progress
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
What We Do
BIO DIMAX is a highly bio-available/assimilation/absorbable form of a dietary supplement called diindolylmethane - commonly referred to as its acronym "DIM".
DIM is commonly used to support female and male hormonal and sexual health based on its ability to facilitate hormone metabolism.
The name BIO DIMAX is intended to communicate (BIO = synonym for bioavailable,, biology, body)
(DIM = diindolylmethane) , (MAX = maximum)
Consider upper and lower case to feature keywords or acronyms in the name. Such as:
BIO-DiMaX or variations thereof.
The mark should be easy to reduce or enlarge without reduction in impact. The mark should be bold - strong.
The coloration should be dark as will need to be reduced for the purpose of displaying the name BIO-DIMAX as a branded raw material ingredient on the back of dietary supplement labels subject to trademark licensing agreements.
DIM is commonly used to support female and male hormonal and sexual health based on its ability to facilitate hormone metabolism.
The name BIO DIMAX is intended to communicate (BIO = synonym for bioavailable,, biology, body)
(DIM = diindolylmethane) , (MAX = maximum)
Consider upper and lower case to feature keywords or acronyms in the name. Such as:
BIO-DiMaX or variations thereof.
The mark should be easy to reduce or enlarge without reduction in impact. The mark should be bold - strong.
The coloration should be dark as will need to be reduced for the purpose of displaying the name BIO-DIMAX as a branded raw material ingredient on the back of dietary supplement labels subject to trademark licensing agreements.
Color Preferences
Dark hues / purple/black/green
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please see the attached screenshots.
Please consider these design elements as a way to depict bioavailability, absorption or dispersion of BIO-DiMaX.
The letters that would best utilize this design feature is the O or X.
Thank you
Please consider these design elements as a way to depict bioavailability, absorption or dispersion of BIO-DiMaX.
The letters that would best utilize this design feature is the O or X.
Thank you