Good work, Zory!
#149 is more masculine and we like that. Could you put just a little more curve back into the person's back? It just needs a small amount more curve. Also, we prefer the golden person with the brown text - could you try doing that to a new
Another really important thing is that after previewing this on our website we've decided that we need the logo to be longer and shorter so that it can more easily be a banner.
So, Could you try taking the new
#149 (talked about above) and put the Binghamton on the left side? Then take the watermark, put it behind the person and make the watermark a little smaller & darker (it doesn't show up well on our computer screens). Use the gold person, light brown watermark and darker brown words. (Try a second without the the watermark too.)
Finally, we'd like to try a different pose - yep, another pose. There's a classic pose known as Crescent Lunge. Here's a link to it here: This pose would lay the back leg underneath the Yoga and the front bent leg underneath binghamton. We'd like to use the same coloring as above and if you could make the person a little less feminine that would help too.
We're getting really close and you've done some really good work here. With a few changes you'll win this contest.
Thanks for all your time!