we would like to see the use of two LL as a letterform mark or incorporated into a logo. ie a L in the foreground and and another L in the back ground to form a lane way. stylised text not stand arial ... but needs to be easily read at a glance
Hey we would like to see you do something completely different this vintage style is what we would like. especially the colours, focus on the L's and Lane way door check this link and keep clicking the image in the middle of the screen till you reach FOSSIL - INTERNAL MOTION GRAPHICS
Hi Nancy - we are really liking your work and appreciate all the effort you have been putting into our logo. After seeing a few different possible logos, we were wondering if you might be able to try something completely different for us? We have been playing with different ideas regarding the idea of ‘hot’ yoga and how we could show this through the logo. Would you be able to design something circular and in the form of a classic wax seal? The words Liverpool Lane embossed in a curved manner around the top and Bikram /Hot /Yoga curved around the bottom of the seal, with these words appearing to be pressed into a circular hot wax seal. Perhaps done in a deep red? So the logo would then be the actual seal. Something classic but with a bit of an edge. Let us know what you think. You could even play around with an outline of a Bikram posture in the centre of the seal.