#12 my favorite...this is really cool...one question, though - on the letter "A" in 'gear', what's going on with the middle of the letter? there's a white smudge kinda thing going on? I like this log alot...
#34 logo looks good on black, but for my website it needs to be a logo that is optimized for display on a white background
#35 i like the font...don't like the yellow...the bike is too specific to one type of bike and I don't want to exclude a large majority of my customers...stick with the font though, I really like that...can you come up with anything 3D?
#87 - i like it! can you flame out the "B" in "biker" like slinkyart did in design #10 ? (can you do it without getting trouble?)...i like it very much...
Can you create a version that adds the wings that are on #18 with #87 ? Also, can you make the wings looks more 3D in addition to putting the longer wing on the left and shorter wing on the right? it will make if feel like the logo is leaning in and to the right more instead of leaning away, i think that would look better for the logo placement on my site...