#92 - HOLY SMOKES!!! you took this to a whole new level! wow! Can you add more color to it? I like the chain links you have there...very cool...i like the font, and all...is there a way to make it crisper and a little less dark??? this is amazing...wow...
#104 can you check the layering on the word 'unlimited' ? it looks like the splash is covering part of the chain is a bit incongruent...also, can you change the lighting angle that is giving the chrome affect to the chain so the 'g' in of the word 'gear' is a bit more defined? also, the red is too red...i prefer the red color you used in #92....this is a great logo design! thanks!
#115 awesome! can you do some variations on the font? with the gradient and actual font type? I like what you've done, I just would like to see other fonts and/or finishes to the font (ie. chrome, stainless steel, etc.) with the splash on it...great work!
#169 stick with the biker gear font...that looks great...too bad they keep killing your designs, they are really good...i miss design #96 i was thinking of going that way... #97 has too many gears, but I like the font and all too...
#175 #176 #177 I like this log alot, but are they going to make you withdraw it again? One other thing, on the emblem, there is a white line through it and the top part is lighter, almost as if there is a translucent white layer over part of it...is that right?