Entry#2 - I like this, but can you change the bike from a street bike to a cruiser/chopper kind of bike? i think it would look cool if it had a reflection to it also...
Entry#3 - i don't like the online click thing...nice variation though..
From what I can see from your website and being a dirt biker myself, I might suggest that you keep any graphic as generic as possible to avoid targeting a limited rider group. I bought lots of gear over the years and I've never been on a chopper or a cruiser.
#9 i like it...what about getting away from any particular bike as a whole...perhaps stylize something else with the logo, like some kind of symbol or icon...something more abstract?
It's hard to combine all the different types of rider postures into a single graphic. I think the main points are the generic motorcycle (mostly just wheels), the rider (no gender implied) and the impression of speed. You agree?
i agree gary...on #15 that you did, i like where you are going with it, but want it to not appear to be like "clip art"...i think you are on the right path though...i'm interested to see what you come up with...
#20 - still not feeling it...sorry...the very first one you did (#2) has been my favorite that you've done...can we maybe back up and go a different direction from that point?