How are you doing? As this contest is about to come to an end, and you will be choosing the best new logo for your company, I just wanted to point out something about the rankings of the entries. I hope I am not misunderstood by pointing out this to you and that you understand.
When the contest ends and you have made your decision about the winning logo, the winner gets the 1st place, but the 2nd and 3rd place and going on forward, 4th, 5th, 6th , etc , each one or slot should be filled with a different designer and different concept you found second best, third best...
This helps towards designer ranking and also it is a way from you to show your appreciation to the effort put from the beginning by one designer or appreciating a nice design concept put earlier by a designer that led to developing on right direction for others and you getting the best you could at the end.
So i hope you understood my point i was just trying to point out to you here and all the best of luck in choosing your winner logo, there are really good ones out there.