#77: Add a lite three dimensional feel to the gears. Add a thin Black line around the edge of all of the gears. Change the color on the text "Crank It Up" to the florescent Green color that have used on the text "BIG GREEN". Change the color on the text "Machine" to the color Black
#126: We would like to see a 2nd version of this logo where the text "BIG GREEN is in the florescent Green color and the color on the word "Machine" is Black. "Crank It Up" will remain the Black color.
#129 Outline "crank it up" with a darker color so that it stands out more. We are favoring 129, could you try a few different variations and ideas that we have not thought of on 129?
Try the Gold pipes in the colors that you have already used on this logo before. Black, grey, blue and both greens, maybe with an outline. You obviously will be the winner. We are just making sure that there wasn't one more iteration that we missed. If you have any last ideas give them a try.
Thanks, I will award the prize tomorrow after our team takes a look at your final entries. We are impressed with all of your designs and we could have picked some of the first ones that you did. Congratulations