Made some adjustments on the position of the "b", colors and I have included the tag line, any suggestions on the font and colors would be highly appreciated. Waiting for your feedback.
. Thank you, we really like the work you've done. We're planning on using this in many applications, PPT, business cards, and our website, we're looking for a clean distinguishable logo. We really where you've gone with #70 with some minor changes -- we like the blue of #60, asking your opinion on increasing the font size on the slogan - a little is it too small? Thank you for your work
I have included font variations, and a different form on the "b". Also considerated the size of the tag line and color. Any changes or variations you would like to see, please feel free.
I think it has taken a good direction, and the change of color was a very good choice. It looks more elegant and more communicative.