BidCrazeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BidCraze

BidCraze has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 151 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.


This is great, really like it.....very close to exactly what we are looking for. Any way possible for you to add some kind of little monster to the logo? Check out the links to the monsters we like. Something like a ball with legs and arms and big eyes possibly......something fun, not a mean monster :)
12 years ago
We love the lettering you did and the color on #83! One change for the color on the C and R make them more different colors. They almost look the same. Great job though as far as everything else with color and letters! For the monster, we would like more detail for him. Add arms/legs/fingers. We want our character to be interacting more throughout the website, like pointing at things ect... Make the monster bigger as well. It's great to have you as a finalist and we look forward to seeing the new edits. : )
12 years ago
We had a difference in opinion when we had other partners looks at this. They want to see a design that is two toned too. Possibly the green and pink since that's the colors on our page. Maybe some yellow in there or a 3rd color if you must. Also, the monster they would like to see holding a gavel and smashing the dot for the "I" like a shattered effect.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much for your comments, will prepare a study in accordance with your request.
12 years ago
Are you going to still make any changes? We hope to see the revisions we requested from you! : )
12 years ago
Logo Designer
My account deactivated by administrators 10 hours ago end of your competition, therefore I could not send my studies, sorry.
12 years ago
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