I have a couple of questions: what is the difference between
#171 and 210? Also, I am still not sure about the color of the green I want to use as I am now going to use it also on my awning and will need to match paint to it. Are you at all able to pull colors from paint manufacturers colors? If so I might like to select my color from Benjamin Moore---I am affraid I may not be able to match the two---also finding that the colors look different depending on which computer I am using, I have been using my laptop all along and now realize the difference when I look at them with a different computer. Last question, I also like a design with the lettering of design center coming to the right of the BG as I think this might be better for my envelopes--what does it take for me to get that layout also?
thanks a lot for your hard work---I think I am almost decided, I have been leaning towards your design all along and I think I am almost there.