Better Earth Energy Co.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Better Earth Energy Co. Better Earth Energy Co. has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 109 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client beeco United States Slogan Engineering a better future What We Do Provides unbiased advice on renewable energy alternatives (solar, wind, and geothermal power) and energy efficiency for businesses and homeowners, designs and coordinates installation of renewable energy systems, navigates the financing and rebate programs, and brokers renewable energy credits (RECs). Industry Consulting Color Preferences All colors considered. Preference may lean toward bold and rich earthy, green, gold, red, brown, black. Fewer colors is better for printing considerations. Our Ideas & Additional Information Wind turbines are nice (obviously we love them!) but they are becoming overused for marketing in the renewable energy industry. Themes Colorful Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number Withdrawn 1st asti 2nd tini1 Withdrawn 3rd charcoal 4th ufotofu Withdrawn 5th Amalia 6th Jpeck 7th mary123 Withdrawn 8th Sparkhaven Withdrawn 9th Amalia 10th Jpeck New saturninus New saturninus New saturninus New saturninus New wishi New wishi New wishi Withdrawn New ulahts Withdrawn New ulahts Withdrawn New ulahts Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. puprut Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. Jpeck Prefers others. saturninus Prefers others. mary123 Prefers others. Kikko Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. jkramer Prefers others. mary123 Prefers others. clayman Prefers others. jkramer Withdrawn Prefers others. wookasheen Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. asti Withdrawn Prefers others. JR2 Withdrawn Prefers others. JR2 Withdrawn Prefers others. tini1 Withdrawn Prefers others. PrintMarketDirect Withdrawn Prefers others. Peter Withdrawn Prefers others. tini1 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion tini1 Logo Designer some of the designs look like a spin off of asti???? Am I missing something? is it in the brief as a suggestion?My leaf/globe was introdused BEFORE asti, and it is abstact. 16 years ago 2BCreative Logo Designer "turbine windmill over used" yet 2nd place for the same ???? why is it that contest Holders don't follow their own briefing...there are several brilliat designs which were eliminated. I am confused yet again 16 years ago beeco Client Orion, You're absolutely correct. I did say wind turbines are overused in designs (in my opinion)...meaning that I would prefer they not be used. I didn't anticipate liking a design with a wind turbine in it, so I understand your frustration when I ranked it relatively high. Agreed, all the submitted designs are creative and high quality! Its very hard as a contest holder to rank the designs...very subjective process I guess. Thanks for submitting your designs. 16 years ago beeco Client tini1,I agree with you also. We were talking today about all the submissions and feel like several are starting to take on the same appearance...too much blue and green and all with a spherical design, but creative none the less. No, it was not in the briefing to include an earth or globe. I guess several designers just used those characteristics since they were in a few of the top ranked designs....maybe my fault in ranking too many similar designs. Ranking and selecting is a difficult process. Lots of good designs to choose from. Thanks for your designs. 16 years ago tini1 Logo Designer thank you beeco:) 16 years ago beeco Client Does anybody have ideas about incorporating solar into the design concept? 16 years ago Sparkhaven Logo Designer I did in mine :D 16 years ago