I am selecting you as the winner. Our final choice will be
#211, #176, or #165 or a combination of them. When we print out these, the upper left side of the oval fades. We would like this corrected and made so it doesn't fade.
#211 we would like the oval to be sized somewhere between #176 and
#211. In 211 it's a little too small and in 176 it's a little too big. Also, could you please make a variation where the BEC mark looks 3D just to see what it looks like? I'd also like to see what 211 would look like with a slightly bigger mark and 2 green stripes on the oval like in #176 but keep the same colors as 211.
For all variations below make the BEC mark slightly bigger and between the size of 211 and 176. Change the fading so that the BEC mark does not fade.
Variation 1: Same as 211 but mark bigger
Variation 2: Same as 211 but mark bigger and 2 green stripes
Variation 3: Same as 165 but mark smaller
Variation 4: Make the mark look 3D
We would like to have a final choice picked by Monday or Tuesday at the latest if that is possible.