I like you initial design. We are more than just cards so the logo or mark needs to be something unique but not specific to only one of our product lines.
Would also like to incorporate: "Poker * Racing * Gaming" somewhere in design.
We also have three locations: Jacksonville, St. Johns and Orange Park Kennel Club. I don't want all 3 locations on the design. We will interchange the location for our exterior signage on our facilities.
#2 Yayuk, We like your work. Re the icon, we are more than a card room, so the icon should reflect a wagering concept without being too specific. Can you include the 3 words POKER - SIMULCAST -GAMING in the design? Those are our major offerings.
#23 Really like this. Very strong concept. Can we see a version with a slightly more active font? Also, we need to add the word JACKSONVILLE to the logo. JACKSONVILLE is one of three names that we will use in separate logos of the same design (we have three locations that need to be individually branded). We appreciate your attention. DK
Add JACKSONVILLE, POKER- RACING -GAMING as it appears on #55. Probably need to lose the reflection.
Can the font be a bit more active? Perhaps italicized?
On the cube, instead of state, can you add a Greyhound image? A head may work. Instead of the four card suites on top, perhaps a singe suit image such as a SPADE or CLUB.