Hello Suke!! really love ur designs!! Can we maybe try the inc. in red on #50 or black?? and the logo design can you make look like more like a B maybe but still keep that look?? and Kinda wonding what would a little red in# 71would look like. and maybe some in any of the 3.. and i like silver as well just dont know how we can incorporate it!! just thoughts!!!
WOW!! now your making it tough on me!!!i like them all!!! everyone of them is sweet!! CAn you add a line underneath the construction inc. like you did on #51 #52 #72 and maybe one on top to!! Add it to the latest ones you Just did..#100 #104 #98 #99#101 #103 I really do like everyone, now its going to be hard picking the right one..
Hello Suke!! im still loving either#100 or #104 can you give me some kind of idea what we could do with a black or silver background and still make them pop. im just wondering how we put it on a black shirt or black business cards and still have it look professional and edgy!! Yes as far as going out early, im still loving ur design the best by far!!!!!
Hello suke!!!! i think we're done we love your designs!!!! The problem is.... we love all of the top 5??? Where do we go from here??/ Will the colors change at all.... I thought I had read something about the color maybe only being one color or is it exactly as we see it?? Can we wrap it up early? How to we move forward to complete this contest.
Don't worry, you can have them all, Just mention which #entry do you want to keep on the final files If you want to complet the contest, I think you must rank top 3 with different designer and the rest (rank 4th - 10th) is up to you.
#100 #124#125#126#127#103#52#104#72 These are the ones i love and the ones i want if i can!!! I appreciate your time, patiences, expertise, designs and helpfulness!!! ill get going on wrapping this contest up.. well if you want to call it a contest!!! I've liked your designs ever sense day one!! Thanks again BeeF!!!