Love both designs. Thank you. For the one ranked second - although I love the simplicity, was wondering if I could see a version(s) of it where my name is a bit bigger but with the same design on the initials/roof that you have here. Also on that same design maybe another variation(s) where under my name it either says "real estate" or has my tag line (not sure the tag line will take too much away from the simplicity though?).
And for the one ranked third, I really like it as well. Would love to see a version where everything is the same but my name is red instead of black? and maybe another version where you keep my name black but make the tagline red? Thanks so much for the submissions! (and btw...if you saw I extended this phase by one day it is because I got caught up with an unexpected work emergency today and it basically took away an entire day of this 2 day phase).
Love the one ranked #2. Based on me thinking more and conversations about it with others, can we take this logo currently ranked #2 and change keep everything the same except change the bottom line to say "REAL ESTATE GROUP" instead of "REAL ESTATE". I would like to see with that looks like if I may! This logo is getting some interest from my RE colleagues and I am trying to incorporate their feedback! Thanks again!!
Hi. I have just selected one of your logos as my winner. I don't know the process but I know that you will be uploading several different file formats for me within the next few days. I saw the following in the "help" section indicating that I can also ask for the following file types: "Upon Client request the Designer is required to provide the following logo variations: White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors." I'm not sure if all of the above variations would have automatically have been included, but can you please make sure that they are? Obviously the winning logo already has a white background so that's covered already. And for a version as they described above with a "colored background", I'd like to see that version on a black background - so basically I guess you'd invert the white and the black from the main logo and leave the red where it is. I hope this makes sense!! I am not a designer and new to all this so I hope it makes sense what I am asking for!! :) If not, let me know and I'll try to explain better! Congratulations on the win!
Hi, Final files have been uploaded successfully. Thank you very much! for selecting me as winner. "Once a winning design "Upon Client request the Designer is required to provide the following logo variations: White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors. Additional formats can include AI and PNG." I can send variations and additional file request for winning design by email. please give your email in private messages.