Becky Brown PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Becky Brown Photography

Becky Brown Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 395 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.






















































































































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Logo Designer
Hi Becky : )

I´ve done some logos for your review.

If you like please let me know what do you think please.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Hey Joao! Thanks for the entries. I was actually wondering what a circular logo would look like, so you read my mind. Not that I'm locked in the circle, but I do like it.
I like #76, but I think I'm going to stay away from purple since Elope site has purple in the logo. I don't want them to match. And I do like using BBP as well.
I like #82 as well but I don't think I want to put my location on there. I do a lot more travel for this site of the business so I don't want to limit myself. Would it be possible to see this one with the photography on the bottom of the circle and BBP at the top?

10 years ago
Logo Designer
You´re welcome Becky.

Glad you like the logos. Okay i´ve understood. I will review all of these and submit new ones based on your comments above, I will submit the revisions at the end of the night when i arrive home.

Thank you for your feedback.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Awesome thanks! Oh and I'm not a big fan of brown. Mostly because everyone has pushed it on me being that it's my last name. I'm much more of a black and grey fan than brown.
I do like that one I have marked at #1 for it's simplicity and because I think I could use just the BBP on it's own and together with the Becky Brown Photography and I like that option. ….. just random thoughts…

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again Becky,

Done revisions for your consideration:
#121 | #119 | #118 | #117 | #116 | #112

Please let me know if you would like to see any changes on these.

I have some other ideas noted on my scratch book. Will try to work on them tomorrow afternoon or night, if they are good i will submit for your review. Will try also to test others colours, if they work well i show you.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Wow you've been working! I like #114 the best of all the circles, but I'm still just not sure if it would be the best option and easily readable recognizable…. I'm trying to picture it on all my other marketing stuff and I'm not not sure. I like the idea of #120 & #121 but I think I'd rather just say BBP than have the dual colors… I'm not sure people will get that……
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You´re welcome Becky : )

Sure take your time and test it if you can in the other suports you will use in the future.

I´ve tried to give you other options. If you like and need changes on any of them please let me know and i will work them.

Submit others based on #121:
#182 | #181 | #177 | #176

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Hey! Thanks for all the new designs. I really like a few of them #177, #187.
The ones with the squares above remind me too much of blocks and this logo from a local children's clothing store. I don't even do kids photos so I want to avoid that.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You´re welcome Becky,

Thank you for the feedback.

I will submit revisions when i get home from work of #177 | #187. And i will use different colours, kerning in letters and try maybe "Becky" more bold and "Brown" more light to see how the logo works. I´ve have also some ideias for effects in the lettering, very subtle effects. The best ones i will submit for your review.

Anything you may need, or any ideia you want to share please feel free. Thank you.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi again Becky : )

I´ve submit variations for your appreciations:
#237 | #238 | #239 - with effect in the letters
#224 | #223 - you refer in your brief that you travel a lot, and this simbolise that, and at same time being elegant
#220 - with effect in the letters
#218 | #217 - Black & White

Again feel free to give feedback if you need changes or want to give suggestions. I will be glad to read them. Tomorrow after work i will be ready to work more and give you more ideias for your consideration.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Hey! Thanks again for all of these. I defintely don't want the background to be a color since it will be a watermark on my images as well. I don't think it would look right with a color background.

I'm definitely liking the horizontal more than the stacked or vertical ones. I think it will look better on the images and fit better into my already existing marketing stuff.

I do really like the other design I have in #1 right now. I like the idea that it could be used as a whole or that the circle could be used on it's own for packaging and stickers etc. I think this one is harder because I've been in business for a few years so I have more of an idea of what I would use it for as opposite to the elopement side which I'm just starting.

There is a lot of options to look at here, but I think #177 is still my favorite of yours right now.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Warm welcome Becky : )

Thank you for the feedback. Ok. I´ve submited some ideias in a circle for your review Becky. Hope you like them. I will try to think on others shape.

I´m at work rigth now, but i´m always logged here. Anything just say please and when i arrive home or if i have a open space here i will work on changes if needed.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
wow this is getting overwhelming with all the options.

1. I like the outer circle around #254, but I think the photography part is a little light and might be hard to read. Could I see that in black as well?

2. I like the bbp in lower case better, but I think on #245 it just maybe needs to be a different font. It almost looks like it's barely fitting in the circle. Maybe something more compact?

3. Also I'm interested to see what just the Becky in blue and just the first b of bbp in blue look like.

So many one or two with the bbp in lowercase with the same circle and outer circle of #254.

I think let's stick to that. Although I appreciate all the other versions I think I'm really narrowing it down to what I like and the other options aren't as necessary.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I´m sorry Becky i don´t want to confuse you.

Okay i´ve submited the new ones with revisions based on your comments above.

#257 | #258 | #259 | #260 | #261 | #262 | #263 | #264

Let me know what do you think please.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Ok… thanks for these.
1) I'm set on the circle so save yourself the trouble of working on the other one that was just the BBP.
2) I definitley like the outer circle as well so I'm sticking with that.
3) I like 261 alot , but I'd kindof like to see that exact one with lower case. Something in between the font of #259 and #245. #245 is too big, but #259 is too thin. I think from a distance it would be hard to read.
4) Could I also see #254 with just a litle more space between the letters of BBP.

I think just changes to those two will be good! We're getting there!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
You´re welcome Becky : )

Submited revisions:
Based on #259 more bolder:
#265 | #266

Based on #254 more spacement:
#267 | #268

Based on #259 different "bbp" font is elegant do you like? :
#269 | #270 | #271

I getting out from office right now. Will arrive in 1 h home and will come asap read your feedback. Please tell me what do you think of the new ones Becky.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Man you're fast!
Ok can we take the Becky Brown Photography part o #266 and combine it with the circle of #271?
There is just something I still don't like about that font of the bbp though… but all that we can work out.
Otherwise I love it :)
I'm going to move you back into #1 because I think in like an hour only #1 can submit?
And I'm sure we can figure out all the minor fixes from there!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes i´m Becky! lol

Thank you for the feedback. I will test other elegant fonts for the bbp no worries.

I know some good fonts. Will do the test, and maybe some with serif also.

Just give me maybe 2 hours can be?

Thank you so much for the vote of confidence.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Will do my reviews based on this one ok Becky?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry for the error.. i mean, "i will do my revisions based on this one ok Becky? #281"
10 years ago
Sounds good! I do like the double circle though… so maybe #281 with that outline circle on the bbp part?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Okey will base on this one #282 Becky. Thank you! Will come with review asap.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again Becky,

I´ve made some major revisions on font:

Sans Serif:
#281 | #282 | #283 | #284 | #285 | #286 | #287 | #288 | #289 | #290 | #291 | #292 | #293 | #294 | #295 | #296 | #297 | #297 | #298 | #299 | #300 | #301

#302 | #303 | #304 | #305 | #306 | #307 | #308 | #309 | #310 | #311 | #312 | #313 | #314 | #315 | #316

#317 | #318 | #319 | | #320 | #321 | #322 | #323

Hope you like them. I´ve tried to give you many options on some good fonts i know. Please let me know what do you think Becky.

Thank you again.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
I figured it would be easier to put the ones I didn't like the reject side and keep the ones I did.
I definitely don't want anything scripty, futurist or too wide (like wide in the round part of the letter). Something elegant and clean.
I like the sans serif options more.
Honestly (and this might be bad to say) I really like the font of the design I had in #2. I have no idea what that is but I like it.
I'd say #308 and #311 are probably my favorite, but as much as I hate to say this because you did a million of these it's still not the one.
10 years ago
haha. I know I just said I like sans serif and then I realized both the ones I like are listed as serifs.
It's so hard to really tell the small details. This site doesn't let you enlarge it that big and zooming in just makes it grainy.
I actually do like sans serif better depsite those picks. Both of those are very subtle serif's though… #300 is good too.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
No worries Becky. :)

I really like that you be sincere to help me geting a perfect match for you. I will just rest until you love the logo. Yes the image have some noise i understaind what do you mean. I can zoomed them more if you wish so.

I believe it is the right track serif too.

I´ve done a research and submit some ideias for your review, i just didn´t do more research because is a little late here 4 am. Tomorrow i can do more ok Becky?! Please see these new ones, i´ve tried to give you some serif option that are elegant and at the same time modern:
This is for me the best Serif font:
#325 | #326 | #326 | #327 | #328 | #329 | #330
2nd - this one is very elegant, note the "K"s and the "R"s
#331 | #332 | #333 | #334
#335 | #336 | #337 | #338
#339 | #340

Will sleep now. And i will do more tomorrow after work for your review. Let me know what do you think of these new ones.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Awesome! Get some sleep! I always forget about the time change.
I'll love over these and leave you some notes.
Thanks for all the work!
10 years ago
Ok #331 is definitely my favorite so I'm going to focus on it. I like the overall font, but I'm wondering if it's possible (and it may not be) to stretch the letters a little vertically? just so they are a little thinner and leaner and the there is a little more empty space in the round area's…. if that's not do-able just tell me.
And can we make the circle slightly smaller or the line in the middle slightly longer or both?

I still like the Becky Brown Photography part of #261. Maybe with the Becky slightly thicker? I'm good with that font I think. I don't want you to have to do a million version because I'm happy with that part. It was just the bbp that I was trying to find the right font for.

So if we take the right side (Becky Brown Photography) of #261 and combine it with the bbp part of #331 I think that's what I'm looking for. I like that they aren't the same font for some reason.

Does that make sense?

Thank you thank you thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Warm welcome Becky! :)

I will do more if needed don´t need to worrie.

1st Revisions on font and circle and line:
#342 | #343 | #344 | #345

By the stretch part you mean this #343 right? I think i didn´t understaind very well this "..and leaner and the there is a little more empty space in the round area's.." I´ve tried to reduce the empty space in the round areas. It is like what you see in the image Becky #343?

2nd Revions on circle and line, and with the serif "bbp" combined with the sans serif title and slogan:
#346 | #347 | #348 | #349 | #350 | #351

For me it makes all sense that combination of serif and sans serif Becky. Usually for the area you want to hit of luxury and high end, i think the presence of serif is important. Because is symbolic strong for a logo.

Usually clients in these luxury and expensive areas also like a lot the combination of title in serif and slogan in sanserif like here:
#343 - Title Serif - Slogan Sans Serif Do you see what i mean?
#344 - Title Serif - Slogan Serif

Later after work i can do more revisions Becky. Let me know what do you think of these. Your suggestions will be always welcome.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Hey! I really like #350 and #351! I think the smaller circle size looks better. Can we slide it closer to the middle line just a bit? For some reason I think it looks more proportional when the line is just slightly longer than the circle.

I was worried I wouldn't make sense on the stretching part.
I just think that the round parts of the letters in bbp are too small. I was wondering it it's possible to basically take the bottom of the b's and the top of the p in the round part and just stretch them vertically a little bit so they have more of a lean presence and show more black space. Does that make sense? haha. It's reall just the round parts of the letters not the straight lines.

No need to do 20 more. I think we stick with #350 and #351 and just make minor tweaks to those.
I'm going to a hocky game this evening so if you don't hear from me for a few hours that's why!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Very Glad you like it Becky :)

I will arrive home in 2 / 3 hours and i will do all those changes you ask and submit for your review based on #350 and #351.

Just the round parts ok. I think i´ve understood this time. I will see how it looks and submit.

Good luck for the hocky game. If it´s nhl must be amazing those games. : )

Best Regards,

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Becky : )

I´ve done some revisions for your consideration:
1st normal bbp, normal line and also with slightly bigger line:
#360 | #352 (medium "Becky") | #355 (bolder "Becky")

2nd - The tweaks on bbp
#358 | #356

3rd - The 2nd tweaks on bbp
#359 | #357

Please let me knwo what do you think please. I will be around.

Hope your hockey team won.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
I'm about to head out to the game - my first NHL Blackhawks game!

I like #352 and #355… I'm not sure if I like the Becky bolder or not… what do you think?
I like the longer line of #352.

The tweaks still aren't what I meant so I'm obviously not making sense. In #358 it look like you stretched the line part, but I'm talking about stretching the round part. Basically if you took the round circle part in #360 and hypothetically cut it in half could you take the top half and stretch it up a litlte bit? Does that make sense? And/or is it even do-able?

Let me know what you think!
I'll check back in after the game but it will be a few hours.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I already suspected that they were the NHL Blackhawks. Good luck i wish i could saw it to haha

Ok about the logo i think #352 is more elegante to be sincere. Bolder is nice, but loose a little of the elegant part.

I think i´ve understood now. Will do some tests and will submit only the best one.

Sure Becky and have fun in your first game. Good luck ; )

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
So Becky here are revisions, i´ve done many test and realize something great i think:
1st #361 and #362 (bbp smaller)

2nd #363 and #364 (bbp smaller)
In these two But here the "b" and the "p" are the same. Do you know what i mean? I´ve inverted the "b" and flipped horizontally it and turn it to a "p". I love this one because in proportions the 3 letters are perfect. "b b p", they are the same.

3rd #365 and #366 (bbp smaller)

4rd #367 and #368 (bbp smaller) Again the "p" is the "b" inverted and flipped horizontally

Let me know what do you thint please Becky of these ones. Any more suggestion i will be glad to read. I think it was this that you want on the letters.

Hope the Blackhawks are wining.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Yes! I like #364 and #368. I think the inverting of the letter helped. can we move them closer to the line a bit and extend the line part of the letter just a bit?
I think it's so close!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You´re welcom Becky.

Glad you like the new ones : )

Made revisions:
#369 | #370 and #371 (with the extended line part letter - i´ve extended 2 points up)

#372 | #373 and #374 (with the extended line part letter - i´ve extended 2 points up)

Let me know what do you think please. I´m at work right now. When i arrive home i can do revisions again so feel free to ask them if needed Becky.

Best Regard,
10 years ago
LOVE #371! I think it's so close. Can we bring the Becky Brown Photography part closer to the line? Just so they are about the same distance from the line? And maybe a tiny space between Becky and Brown and I think it's done!

I'm heading down to Indiana this afternoon so I won't be on here for a few hours, but I'll check back in later!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Very glad you like this one Becky : ) I really loving the final result also.

I´m almost getting out of work. In some hours i will arrive home and will submit revisions for your review again.

Thank you for your great feedback Becky.

Wish you a good travel.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#376 What do you think Becky? Done this based on your comments above.

Hope you like it. Again any change you may need just let me know please.

If you will choose my logo in the end. Just please tell me before you do it. Because i always like in the end to see spacements and to make sure it´s all perfect.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
I think we have a winner! It looks great!
I'm assuming since we had the color issue before that you'll send me the different types of files again?
Thank you so much for all the work. I know this has been a tedious process. I'm on my phone now so I'll finalize this tomorrow and "select the winner"
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Warm welcome and thank you so much again Becky. Very glad for this logo : )

Just done the last with the very subtle modifications in spacment and alignments #377

Yes do not worrie Becky. I will suport as always. I know now how to avoid that. I must send the final files in RGB. Because if i send in CMYK, the MAC show it in black or don´t show any image. Not sure what can be the problem.

So i will send you all the files variations you may need on future. And also some extra files. Like the last contest. You will have all things again.

It wasn´t tedious do not worrie. Was great to work with you again, you are really nice and motivating. : )
Thank you.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Did you move the bbp in #377 or is it just bolder? I actually like the placement in the circle better on #376 as well as the spacing of the Becky Brown Photography.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
No i´ve just centered the bbp. And moved manually some letters in "Becky Brown" they are more close #377.

Well maybe i should not have done that one. I´ve align in the software and it gave me the perfect aligment.

But now i´m looking again at them both on my screen and i agree with you Becky this one is visually better #376 for sure. Sorry about #377.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Becky,

I´ve just saw some hours ago the contest was extended. We do not receive any message when this happen. So i was surprised. I was at work. But now i´m home and i´ve submited some more revisions

If you need any help from me please let me know.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
Sorry I should have sent you a message! I actually wanted to increase the prize amount for you and the only way to do that was for them to add back on a day of the Top 5 phase. I'm happy with #376! I just have to wait now for the time again before I can officially select the winning design.
I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow so I'll be out all day, but I will finalize everything on Sunday!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow! I didn´t notice you have increased the prize.

Thank you so much Becky i really appreciate that off course. You are really generous.

Good luck for the wedding : ) Wish you can shoot mine if i get married someday : p

Thank you again.

Wish you a great weekend,
10 years ago
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