I'm liking 16 more and more as I look at it. Please try some variations on color and font while keeping the font clean and simple. I was a little slow in realizing that the + is the focal center! Now I like it.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, it's the focal center. In the brief you said you are interested in a wordmark, so I looked at your name (both 5 characters long) and thought it was perfect to work with the focal center. Anyways, I added some color variations and will be working on some different fonts now.
I like 67 too- the focal mark and photography word disappear- too faint, maybe darker like 16. Can you make the focal point in the middle rectangular shaped? And maybe stretch photography out a bit across the bottom too. Looking good!
Will work on it, thanks. The font of 64 is a bit different from 16. (look at the bottom part of the "e" and "g") They are a bit more "open" at the bottom on the font of 64.
I wonder what 68 and 69 would look like if Becca were in a more flowing, casual font while Hagen stayed cleaner and more professional? I like the look of these but am afraid they are starting to look too corporate or stiff?
69 is my favorite. Let's play around with the font a bit to see what it would look like with a more relaxed font for either part or both of my names. Keep photography and the box the same. Same colors. (See my above comment too)
Wow, a lot to process. I like the first and last names in the same font. I love 157. Sorry I don't have any specific feedback for you. If you have any other ideas or things you want to try using 157 as the base, I would be happy to see them.
Oke, thanks. I will try to make some variations on 157. You are right about the first and the last name in the same font. Since photography is a different font aswell. Two fonts is some sort of the max (a designer's rule). Thanks again and I'm on it. Did you had any other color combinations in mind? Colors you want me to try?
I have seen a lot of other colors in others' designs but I keep going back to the green. I would of course be willing to see other colors in the same family (not too dark, not too pastel). Thanks.
Ok, I lied, one more thing to try. Please try #64 and #68 with these modifications: font style more like another designer's #182 and just the corner and + marks in a lighter gray than the word photography. Keep the green the same and the layouts the same. Thank you!
If you want me to try modifications, that's fine. Please don't refer to other designer's works, since I have to respect others work and it's not allowed to copy their works. (LT rules) Just ask me to try out some other fonts. :)
Sorry, blame my husband, he told me I could reference the font on another designer's piece! Anyway, it will take me a bit to sort through all of these. I will get back to you shortly and we can wrap this up before the holidays.
Yay! Happy to have a design I am happy with and thank you again for all of your work. You will have to excuse my ignorance- first logo contest, not sure what to do next. I would like #272 to be my company's logo. I was also wondering if you can send me some of the others as well, or variations of #272. Thanks.
Good to hear you are happy with the design. I'm not sure where it is located but there should be a button somewhere to complete/finalize the contest. (We designer's dont have the same interface as contest holders) Maybe you can find that button somewhere? If not, contact me again and I will ask around.
I can send you other variations of 272 aswell, no problem.