Here is my design and original girl illustration for Bronzen. She is seated in a meditative pose with a lotus flower in her hair. The swirls are coming from her hand meeting the words - symbolizing a connection between inner and outer beauty and well-being.
Entry #6: We like the way the following: tag-line arched over lotus Lotus color of font
*she should be barefooted * not crazy about bright pink of her suit *would also like to see variations of the girl * do not want girl to dominate the logo *Would like to see logo without the girl and just name & lotus flower as a variation
#7 is still in the lead! Can you please give us just a few more variations of this logo. Including the following, but with some variations:
Name of biz in brown font Capital "B", Capital "Z" Girl doing something that signifies happiness, inner peace, serenity (maybe other meditation poses?) In bikini (maybe other colors, must be toned down & complimentary as to not detract from main logo name) Lightly bronzed happy, but also sexy Maybe other looks for the girl: hair color, hair shape, face shape.