i like the 1st one because its simple. i dont like the thing under the Beachers Madhouse, both beachers and madhouse should be the same size in everything
The 2nd logo is similar to an old logo we use to have, but the bulbs were tighter and it was cleaner , if you can change that and make it look crisper we might be able to use something like that
3rd logo i dint love but its basic, the face icon needs to change and the letters need to be thicker
Also each version should be under the line and inside it , line meaning what's above and under the BEACHERS madhouse wording , there's lines on top and bottom. I need to see versions with it inside the line and outside
Also each version should be under the line and inside it , line meaning what's above and under the BEACHERS madhouse wording , there's lines on top and bottom. I need to see versions with it inside the line and outside
Also each version should be under the line and inside it , line meaning what's above and under the BEACHERS madhouse wording , there's lines on top and bottom. I need to see versions with it inside the line and outside
Hi, here are some new designs. I'm gonna work for the other options. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you wrote about the lines.. You want these writing, right? 'Hollywood California' 'Holywood CA' 'Hollywood Roosvelt Hotel' 'Roosvelt Hotel'
Hi, I'm sorry but LT regulation does not allow the client and designers to communicate in other ways that are not LT. Designers can't write email address or social media links, that's because after the contest is over everyone must be able to see all the conversations. The lack of compliance with the rules may lead to the cancellation of the contest.
To make the communication easier to understand, if you want to indicate a design you should write the entry number (i.e. your first choice is #84 ), so I can see straight on which are you talking about.
Do you mean that inside the line is like #122 ? And outside the line is #121 ? And do you want to see these two with differen writings like 'Hollywood California' 'Holywood CA' 'Hollywood Roosvelt Hotel' 'Roosvelt Hotel'
Surely we're gonna solve this :) Thank you Isabella
The one that says " hollywood Roosevelt hotel" please make that exact fonts and a little bigger and thicker, also let me see that with and without the line under it. We r almost there great work, I'd like to nail it by morning so we can have some shirts printed up and select u the winner. Thank u for all your hard work.
for the one i ranked in the number one spot, can you center the wording "hollywood Roosevelt Hotel " and also add in "the " to read "The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel"
So i need two more, one with "the" one without, also need the letters centered. We are almost there !
I just saw your comment after I submitted the entries.. In fact, I didn't understand if for 'center' you meant the entire written centered on the rest of the logo or the individual words of a written centered between them. I sent both versions, although now I realize that you was iterested for #134
I left more space between the words because I thought you wanted to keep the separation between 'Hollywood' and 'Roosevelt Hotel', since before there was a comma
the one i ranked 1 is perfect, i now also need it in the old school warn down font. and then a version like number 2 with the shorter lines. and we are good to go. THANK YOU>
ok so the one ranked #1 is a go. i will need that in both Worn and solid white ( for embroided hats ) the worn should not be so worn around the main letters B and M... as soon as u get me them i will Make it the winner.
Ok almost perfect but o noticed one more thing I'd like to see a change made too. The line under madhouse has an arc, I'd like to see both the line ontoxp of BEACHERS and under madhouse match together. The curled line at the end of the e and above hotel I'd like to see that not curled and matching the other line...
hey so congrats, when you upload the logos, please make sure that you make the winner in the worn out logo as well , Thank you for all your hard work, GREAT job!
Hi! First I want to thank you for choosing my logo and for the appreciation you have shown. I just upload now the files (EPS and JPG) of the logo you selected