be retrofitLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / be retrofit be retrofit has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 95 designs from 18 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client beretrofit88 United States Slogan To be determined What We Do We improve the energy efficiency of existing residential and commercial buildings using proven building science: Our solutions block air transfer through gaps, cracks and holes and insulate. The client does not have the time or inclination to understand our service but wants the results. They are complicated physics based solutions that need to be represented simply in terms of results. Our service saves money by reducing energy consumption, makes habitable space more comfortable, improves air quality of space occupied and assures the durability of the structures we retrofit. Industry Construction Color Preferences warm, greens, open, lots of white, not cluttered, we are open Our Ideas & Additional Information we are open to creativity Themes FeminineSimpleRefinedSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st rapunzel Withdrawn 2nd grafixsphere Withdrawn 3rd enzyme Withdrawn 4th grafixsphere Withdrawn 5th Alexandru Withdrawn 6th Source 52 7th zie Withdrawn 8th studio 1111 Withdrawn 9th TNSGraphics Withdrawn 10th sagaraa New Iggy New zie New zie Withdrawn New izmild Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New Source 52 Withdrawn New Source 52 Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New Source 52 Withdrawn New Alfred Rodriguez Withdrawn New rapunzel Withdrawn New studio 1111 Withdrawn New studio 1111 Withdrawn New ordmode Withdrawn New Alexandru Withdrawn New Alexandru Withdrawn New losmavros Withdrawn New losmavros Withdrawn New losmavros Withdrawn New losmavros Withdrawn New fraydkatz Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New studio 1111 Withdrawn New enzyme Prefers others. PIER Withdrawn Prefers others. abisatya Withdrawn Prefers others. abisatya Withdrawn Prefers others. abisatya Withdrawn Prefers others. grafixsphere 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion beretrofit88 Client Entries number #1 and #2 do not communicate that we work in commercial and residential structures. We need to get this through to the public through our logo because the name is vague. Entry #1 is a complex and does not immediately communicate to the consumer what we do, but the concept is moving in the right direction. De-emphasize the trees.Our name "be retrofit" is a dba for "Boston Energy Retrofit", so the "b" and "e" should be the same type case to communicate that. 14 years ago beretrofit88 Client izmild - entry #8 - the residential house is too dominant here, but the clean concept is good.grafixsphere - not sure what the white oval is here. I like the introduction of some colors to brighten in entry #6, but the stack of name logo, buildings and sun makes the image very tall.tridoso - trees are still too prevalent. We don't waant to use trees and leaves - our competitors overuse these. The sun works better for us to communicate the environment than the tree. There is no residential concept here, which we need. 14 years ago