Hello Tzina,
Thanks for the fonts, we got it ! the font of my slogan is the one you used in your entry # 87. It is a powerful yet shiny font itself !!! let's go with that.
I like the jewelery font of my logo as well, I love it a lot! So, we are going with that!
The color is as is right, purple.... we are going with that.... By the do you have PANTONE # for my purple logo that I can check and use when I print my stuff please?
The concept is what we have as well, the space, the shining stars concept. However, I need some final revisions on the spacy, infinite, shiny and glittery background we have please:
1) First of all, as I was writing in my brief, the background concept of my logo is going to represent the infinite light we have in the universe, and the power within us will let us shine as much as the infinite universe does. Once we discover that light within us... So, this is the basic message I am trying to convey with my logo. Therefore, the background needs to resemble as much about the infinite universe as possible with its mystical, metaphysical, space-like shining stars in it. And right now, I love the background we have but somehow I am not %100 satisfied with it. The way it is in your entry #87 for example is more like a night scene with traffic beams, you know... I want it more like to be a universal shiny space... Actually, to give you a solid example, here is I am sharing a link with you:
http://claireawada.com/Here, you will see the shining sky background that I am talking about. So I would be very much happy if we did get closer to that background with shining stars in the sky... with star-shapes and star lights...
2) Ooo, and the purple round effect around the letter U is a little too much right now, so we don't need to have it in our concept right now. (in #87)
3) And last but not least, the stars around B and U can be smaller and shinier, like the ones you used in # 8. I guess I really wanna see REAL STARS :) That's what you have in #8, if you look, right next to the letter U, you have a solid, little, real star-shaped STAR and I LOVE that star :) Let's use some real stars in our background, shall we? That's how you shine your power out anyways :)
Looking forward to my star-shining sky background :)
thx in advance!