BDLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / BD
BD has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 578 designs
from 108 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Bradley Dorsey
What We Do
We're looking to create a bold, simple, rocker-type, elegant, sexy logo for a musician, maybe similar to Elvis Presley's 'EP,' or Engelbert Humperdinck's 'EH'
We want it to have broad appeal, but speak specifically to a youthful audience
We want it to have broad appeal, but speak specifically to a youthful audience
Color Preferences
Dark Red
Dark Red
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Overall idea:
A two letter bold logo with the singer's initials: BD
And then somewhere have his full name spelled out: Bradley Dorsey
Maybe in the negative space of the letters there are relevant images like a mic, a music note, a spotlight. Or, it's just simple and clean
The first example below is our mock-up example. But we're looking for something cooler, more fun and edgey, less corporate looking.
The last example, 'Batman,' has a long trail of light. Maybe that trails behind the BD letters, like a shooting star. Maybe the BD initials repeat in that spotlight...? Just a thought
A two letter bold logo with the singer's initials: BD
And then somewhere have his full name spelled out: Bradley Dorsey
Maybe in the negative space of the letters there are relevant images like a mic, a music note, a spotlight. Or, it's just simple and clean
The first example below is our mock-up example. But we're looking for something cooler, more fun and edgey, less corporate looking.
The last example, 'Batman,' has a long trail of light. Maybe that trails behind the BD letters, like a shooting star. Maybe the BD initials repeat in that spotlight...? Just a thought