Great design. I really like the candy feel og the design. I would like to see it with capital letters. the S in Shop is falling a bit the wrong way. Is there a idea behind that?
here are the uppercase version.... and about the 'S' on the 'shop', i purposely made it like that just to give it a playful/not-too-serious looking.... any problem with that? i can fix it if you want... :)
#9 There is not enough fun and play in the capital letters. I like the candy feel in #8 that is gone a bit in #9. It must be possible. Can you try to lower the O in shop?
#22 Looks very nice. Please try and tilt the S the other way.
Are you good at drawing figures? I would like a logo with a guy doing something. Unicycling, juggling, balancing, diabolo or something. Perhaps all at once. I dont know if it can be combined with this design, but you have hit the feel of the logo very well.
#53 Looks great with the figure with the name. He is a bit too alien looking. Can you make him a bit more human looking? and perhaps a bit distance from the name?
#65 Could we try the idea of using a bowler? Please put a hat on him. He seems to be a bit to dominating in the logo. He takes a bit to much of the focus. Perhaps its the boots that takes a lot of attencion?