I like #191 - specifically I like the large B that is above and below, and I also like the dot of the Exclamation being a different color than the Bauman. Can you try some different colors for #191 though? Different background, different Bauman, different Consulting etc. Thanks!
another wordmark - you will see an invisible upward arrow cutting across the name Bauman, the arrow signifying prosperity, reaching higher .... and you can interpret it in many positive ways
thanks for you feedback and suggestions - i will resubmit it - its 4.30 am here and i actually leaving out of the city in an hour or so - there isnt even time for me to sleep - so will upload the correction by late evening - hope you understand - thanks
Go to bed! :) Yeah, of course, no worries. Tomorrow would be great.
#194 - I like the overlapping letters, but not a big fan of the arrow as it currently stands. Can you try a couple different things with this? How about - try one without the arrow - just the overlapping letters, pretty simple. Then, try one where you get rid of the green arrow head in the upper right hand corner, and make Bauman two different colors - so, the part above the diagonal line you make one color (white, or whatever), and the part below the diagonal line you make a different color (gray, or whatever). Then, maybe you can do something with the form of the N... make make the very top right corner of the N subtly point out with the direction of that diagonal line, or something. I'm not sure.
mare.ingenii - I've started asking people to submit me some of their ideas in standard colors, so I can more easily compare one to another. So when you get a chance, please try some of yours with white text (no gradient), and a solid background of #79784c Your !B icon may need another color or two as well, which is fine - you are more than welcome to have more colors, but yeah, try that as a background. Thanks!
A sleepless night and i just entered my office - only to check my mails - it will be a while i get to working - after some rest - thanks for taking time for your comments - i will surely get to working on yours - and it sure going to be another sleepless night - thanks again
hi there Is there anything i could do - any feedback help me in better understanding your needs - and do give my new entries a look - thanks in advance