#1 & #2 - In general I would like more primary colors. I think these are in the wrong direction. We are looking for somthing more traditional and more masculine. Farming is at the center of what we do so it should be reflected, either the activity of farming or the result (vegetables.)
Logos that have this traditional and mascaline but still farmy feel might include:
http://www.cvcountryside.org/ ;
http://www.dimondhillfarm.com/images/agriculture_logo.jpg ;
http://www.hoodhomedelivery.com/uploadedimages/products/Other_Dairy/ph_ODYG_logo_Lg.JPG; http://www.healthystepstoalbany.ny.gov/albany/photos/HV%20truck%20logo%20small.jpgThanks for the first efforts!