Hi Guz, These are looking great. #56 is looking very close to it. Can you take the cows head out of the R in #56 please. Also, if you can do one more for me which is almost the same as #56. Can you repeat #56, but no cows head in the R and instead of the map of Australia in the O, can you put a Kangaroo in the O. (see kangaroo picture: http://animalia-life.com/data_images/kangaroo/kangaroo8.html) the Kangaroo on the left in the picture is prefered, just a white image of the kangaroo like the map, replacing the map. The colours of the blue and green are great. Thanks David
Hi Guz, Sorry for delay, we were away on business. We are going to go with #57 with the green Australia as the winner. Thanks so much, it's a great design. I will record that as the winner. i would also like to stay in touch as we may have a few other designs for some products coming up in the future. Can you send us an email address? Thanks David
hi David, thankyou for your information. i would love to send you my email address to you, but it is forbiden here unless you have selected me as the winner. so i will send my email once you finish this contest. thankyou.
Once you have the logo want, you can click the "Select Winner" button on your contest management page. You will be asked to confirm your selection, and once confirmed there is no turning back. Once the winner is selected you will no longer be able to request revisions.