Let's discover Barcelona with us
What We Do
Personalized sightseeing services in Barcelona.
After 30 years into the tourism business, selling Barcelona as a destination - having been very succesfull in our professional careers - every day we have a bigger passion for our city : its sites, architechture, culture and more than 20 centuries of history.
Now its time to share it with our costumers!
Color Preferences
Based on BLUE color because Barcelona is bath by the mediterranean sea, and bright because is sunny city.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are a couple of guys always searching new spots and listening from the locals about undercovered histories of our city.
We propose a magnifying glass (alone, or manipulated by someone) that enlarge some simbolic item of Barcelona. As a magnifyed image we propose the "EIXAMPLE" grid. (The EIXAMPLE is the layout of the streets in the Barcelona downtown)
We want the text "" completely shown.
Volem que el tex complert de la marca surti al logo (