LibrareeLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Libraree Libraree has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 132 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client Emieminem Japan What We Do A bar in which customers can have drinks and light meal under 'Library-like' atmosphere, while learning English. English-speaking bartender, stuff, and lesson teacher will provide customers an opportunity to learn ready-to-use English skills, especially in speaking and hearing. Industry Education Color Preferences red, brown-- if possible No strong preference in color, font size, capitalized/uncapitalized letter. Our Ideas & Additional Information Attached files/pictures shows the image of the bar. 'Bar Libraree' is composed of combination of two words: 'library' and 'English Executives.' Although the spelling is different, the pronunciation will be the same as library in Japanese. Themes SecureMasculineSimpleGrayNecessityModern Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st pitom&co Withdrawn 2nd jjbq 3rd Rudbutler 4th vertigo Withdrawn 5th Rudbutler 6th pitom&co Withdrawn 7th Rudbutler Withdrawn 8th jjbq Withdrawn 9th jjbq Withdrawn 10th jjbq Withdrawn New pegry Withdrawn New pegry Withdrawn New pegry Withdrawn New Immoo Design Withdrawn New desci Withdrawn New vertigo Withdrawn New jjbq Withdrawn New jjbq Prefers others. Immoo Design Prefers others. Immoo Design Prefers others. EVO TIE Prefers others. Source 52 Prefers others. Source 52 Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. Frontiere Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. DeadSchool Withdrawn Prefers others. vertigo Withdrawn Prefers others. vertigo Withdrawn Prefers others. vertigo Withdrawn Prefers others. Rudbutler Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. DeadSchool Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. pegry Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. pitom&co Withdrawn Prefers others. mylogocreative Withdrawn Prefers others. mylogocreative Withdrawn Prefers others. mylogocreative Withdrawn Prefers others. mylogocreative Withdrawn Prefers others. mylogocreative Withdrawn Prefers others. Rudbutler Withdrawn Prefers others. Rudbutler 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion Emieminem Client Please get rid of bar. ”libraree” would be simple and better. 10 years ago Emieminem Client Please do not stibk with brown and red. I DO NOT hold stroog preference with the color. Better to match with the concept of the business. 10 years ago