#89 is very nice - if you don't win, we may be interested in buying this from you. Colors can be a bit brighter like some of the other top rated. See what you can do in the next 5 hours before contest ends to win.
#103 is amazing - very impressive... I have no other suggestions on style and layout... but if you can give me a variation of different colors just to see how it can be brighter... Like a Cyan, Green, Yellow, or Red - Web 2.0 brightness... please see what you can do...
We can't decide on which color works best for our website as it's not ready to launch yet... if you win, will you be able to give us all of the different colors and styles for us to decide later?
Great - that will work for us! Congratulations - You have done it!
We will be using this logo also in a video, can you please give me a version of #104 WITHOUT the small pieces above the large boxes. In other words, please remove the 8 small particles in #104 (keep everything else exactly the same) because we want to try to animate this logo with video and make the particles move but I need a matte version with and without the small pieces.... THANK YOU!!!