Band of BabiesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Band of Babies

Band of Babies has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 71 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.






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Prefers others.


interesting, but can you make a more attractive baby, and a slightly clearer font?
16 years ago
turn the of right side up. font is cool. baby needs to be better looking and more active.
16 years ago
Logo Designer

Made some adjustments and is uploaded as #16


16 years ago
THANKS MARK. the concept is fine, but the babies are just too complicated
16 years ago
Logo Designer

Made another adjustment on the baby. #17

Did my best to keep it as ledd complicated as possible. ;-)

Regards, Mark
16 years ago
Thanks Mark. It's a contender. First, make the drumsticks higher or lower so they don't look like a hat. Also, the word of on his t-shirt isn't legible. Perhaps make the drum taller and put the "of" on the drum?
16 years ago
Logo Designer

I have made the adjustments on the baby and the word ´of´ .... Its the #19.


16 years ago
its winning! But . . . too many colors. Just pick the three primary colors and stick with those. Also the hair coming out of both sides of the head is weird. How about just one curly hair on top like design number 2? something about the number 2 design stands out, whether its the thickness of the black line, or something, it pops more. thanks, good job.
16 years ago
cute, but way too much going on. the music stand is too elaborate, and perhaps he'd be better off with a bow tie and diaper instead of a full tux. again the colors are too numerous.
16 years ago
Logo Designer

Redid the drummer. Removed the 6 hairs and replaced for 1 curly one. Letters are in the 3 primary colours.


16 years ago
Thanks Mark. Its nice. We have a few more tweaks to tell you about, but let's let it ride till later in the contest, so you don't do too much more work at this point. Its a very original and thougtful design, you are very talented.
16 years ago
Logo Designer

Thank you for the kind words.
It´s fun to do and a pleasure to be of an assistance.


16 years ago
ok, last comments on this one. . .

1) take away the music staff and notes
2) give him cute toes like the second place design.
3) change the letters to black and white with the drum and the shirt the only things with color. Maybe blue and white striped drum so total colors would be red, blue, white, black, cheaper for our printing needs.

Thanks so much!

16 years ago
Logo Designer

Changes are made and uploaded a new picture.


16 years ago

Thank you so much for putting up with me. This is why you are the designer and I'm a lawyer. If you feel like it, try one more time.

1) Use flesh tone for the baby face - I know I said only the three colors, but I'm an idiot.
2) instead of black and white, how about just white, with thicker black outlines around the letters. If this is not possible, its ok.
3) instead of that blue, just go with a royal blue.

If you don't want to make these changes I understand. . . . we like both of your designs

Thanks so much

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Jon,

I´ve uploaded 2 pictures. Picture #31 has a thicker outline then the #32. Personally i like the second
better because the letters are better to read, but it´s all up to you.


16 years ago
Logo Designer
#21 - I *love* this logo!!! It's very fun!!!
15 years ago
Hey Mark:

your entry number 21 has grown on us, and we'd like to move it to first place with a couple of adjustments.

change the color of the "n, a, and e" to the same red as the baby's shirt.

Make the feet a little less oval and turn the feet up a little, adding circles for toes.

the drum colors we don't like, but we don't know what to suggest.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Jon,

I made the adjustments #37 and i hope you like it.


15 years ago
perfect mark . . .just put the hair back the way it was, one squiggle in the middle and we're good to go. you are number 1. thanks for working so hard.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
OOps, ..... Hair has been put back.... #39


15 years ago
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