#10 - I really like the baby hand print, it would be awesome if you could think of a way to incorporate the print in a more simple manner -do not care for the font, maybe try the font from #8 - i also really like the subtley of the bamboo stalk/leaves in it - thanks for the hard work!
Thanks again for submitting! Okay, I like where # 12 is going. Could you play around with the hand print a bit more? I would like to see how it looks in front of the word bambucco and also, the print needs to be simpler for it to transfer to embroidery on fabric.... I'm looking forward to what you come up with!
Thanks again for submitting! Okay, I like where # 12 is going. Could you play around with the hand print a bit more? I would like to see how it looks in front of the word bambucco and also, the print needs to be simpler for it to transfer to embroidery on fabric.... I'm looking forward to what you come up with!
I really like #34 and #36 - I would be interested in seeing them both with the font you used in #12 as well. Color scheme I like the white and green, but would also like to see how #34 and #35 look in different color schemes - someone else submitted with green, brown and white or black which i think looks really nice together. thanks again for working on this!
okay, i think it was the hand print that did it - maybe it can be altered? would also like to see what you already did with 1 hand print and the font a bit thicker
no worries - thanks for resubmitting! okay, i like #120 the best - couple things to try - how about the font from #104 with the thickness already in #120... the hand print - it looks a bit old to me, can you shorten the palm and fingers a bit? also, can you put the border in from #106 - thanks for all the work - Im so glad you sent more! thanks
thanks for submitting - #231 - I must admit I like the cleaner look in #106, 201 and 168... something to try - just recieved a couple submissions in a circle - I like the general idea, would you be able to take #106 and 201 and convert to a circle with the word bambucco in the circle too? Also if you can figure out a way to bring in some leaves I would love to see it! thanks again for working on these
hey visionary - #235 i like the best out of the new ones - could you make it all bolder - maybe the handprint behind the word? not sure if that would even work as far as embroidery goes.... hmmm, but yea, bolder. thanks again!
Okay, i like the boldness of #252 - another idea - could we try with bambucco either towards the top or the bottom of the circle instead of in the center and then throw in 2 hand prints like #106 - ALso one like that with same font and another like that with a TALL PAUL type font (its really playful although may turn out to be playful overkill)....ALso, one last thing - I really like olive green color the best instead of the evergreen... thanks for working on these, I know I keep changing the direction, but hey, its almost over!
hmmm.... lets see - first, thanks again. #256 - i think is difficult to read - maybe another a little less curly? Also, I just realized the palms of the hand prints seem a bit square to me. I'm not sure what else to suggest, I don't feel this is it yet as is.... My best suggestion would be to play with it a bit still... thanks again